About Us


Fire Sands was founded in 2018 by Riley Pitman in Edenvale Gauteng, beginning as a small home based operation,  servicing the needs of school based IT infrastructure, then bridging over the last few years across industry and boarder, beginning to offer a larger range of service and specialties, networking both nationally and on the international stage with industry leading professionals that have contributed and built the Fire Sands Group to what it is today. Offering services for the classroom, to business leaders in enterprise, to events and technical services, to black box theatre set and prop construction, Fire Sands can be considered a vital affiliation company for anyone looking for someone to fill the gaps.

Our Management and Administrative Team

Our admin and management team, due to the nature of the business consist of a two man team operation that connects business leaders and technicians with a network of experienced and tried and tested service providers.

Our General Manager-  Riley Dean Pitman :  admin@firesands.com

Our Accounts Team: accounts@firesands.com

Our Support Team: complaints@firesands.com

Our Projects Team: projects@firesands.com

Please make sure to use your client / supplier information when communicating with us

Some Of Our Projects

Fire Sands Group Service Offering includes but is not limited to

                 Domain and Email Setup | Education and Business Enterprise Solutions | Marketing Management Platforms | Solution Development | Event Planning |  |Legislature Advisory | Design and Publishing | Editing | Photography| Videography | Streaming & Event Management|